A Far Bigger Threat Than Evergrande or the Fed

A Far Bigger Threat Than Evergrande or the Fed by Angela Jirau

The Evergrande crisis shocked the world.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell announced tapering could start as soon as November. And China continued its crackdown on cryptocurrencies.

It was bad news for investors across the board.

But these threats aren’t the real cause behind the market craziness last week.

There is a hidden force that exerts an ever-growing influence over the stock market. It is single-handedly responsible for the increasing number of sharp swings up and down.

Today, Clint Lee reveals what that is and the smartest, safest way to play this volatility.

Humans Vs. Machine

Last Friday, Clint warned us of how difficult it would be to stay a step ahead of the market. Because, quite simply, the game has changed.

Computers now manage more U.S. stocks than humans do. And these computers respond quickly to the market’s twists and turns. The good news is that Clint has the perfect way for you to play the resulting fast, massive market moves.

And if you’re really unsure or don’t have the time to study the quants, algorithms or computer-driven strategies, I would instead encourage you join Clint’s Flashpoint Fortunes so he can do it for you.

Click here to watch this week’s video or click on the image below:

(Click here to view video.)

Good investing,

Angela Jirau
Publisher, The Bauman Letter