“That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.”
I love this line from Walt Disney. It’s even engraved on a frame that’s hung by my son’s bed for almost a decade.
When I think about this quote, I remember how things were for us kids. Everything was black or white, right or wrong.
But the older we get, the more we realize life isn’t that straightforward. So, we start to overthink … even the simplest of choices.
Don’t get me wrong. That’s helped us create some amazing things.
Deep analysis and innovation often go hand in hand. Think about the printing press, airplanes or smart machines. Those things weren’t built in a day.
But we can also get into trouble when we overthink the simple things — including investing…
All It Takes Is 1 Share
With today’s online brokerage platforms, buying and selling stocks comes across as dollars and cents on a screen. It can feel like an abstract information overload.
But really, the stock market is simple. You’re just buying shares of actual companies. And that’s what makes the stock market the No. 1 wealth-creation tool for Americans today.
My son is only 11 years old, but even he already gets it.
Beside his bed is that frame I mentioned earlier. The one engraved with the quote from Walt Disney. It’s the only frame in his room that doesn’t have a picture of our family in it.
Instead, it holds one share of Disney stock.
Even if it’s a small part, he still gets to say he’s a partial owner of one of the largest entertainment companies in the world.
How cool is that?
That frame always reminds him that he owns part of Disney. And it works. Whenever we go to the theme park, and he asks for ice cream, he tells me that it’s helping the company we own part of.
He understands how simple owning a piece of a great business is.
And that’s what most investors lose sight of today…
Don’t Lose Sight of How Simple Investing Is
According to Business Insider, traders who are worried about the daily swings in the stock market have one of the most stressful jobs on Wall Street. And they’re supposed to be the experts.
So, imagine how, over the years, everyday Americans just like you have been overwhelmed with flashy stocks and people bragging about gains that are almost impossible.
They can’t help but worry too much about the ups and downs of the market. But these swings are just part of the ride.
At the end of the day, the important foundation of investing is owning a piece of a great business.
If you look at a company and can’t come up with one strong reason why you own it … then you may need to consider if it’s one you really want to be partners with.
Remember, here at American Investor Today, we want to help everyday Americans just like you become profitable investors by keeping our strategies simple and straightforward.
Helping as many people as possible reach prosperity is our team’s ultimate goal. And if you stick with us — and just keep it simple — we’ll show you how.
Chad Shoop, CMT
Editor, Quick Hit Profits