Talk about March Madness!
You’ve been navigating market madness on this roller coaster.
But listen, after the rally we’ve seen since 2020, this kind of correction is normal.
And that brings us to Strategy No. 1: Strong Hands.
When our America 2.0 stocks are experiencing a temporary pullback like this, we hold Strong Hands. And that’s because we believe they are going to rise up even higher than before.
Here’s what Paul says:
in 1 yr, or 3 or 5 years our #A2O #4IR will be a bigger part of our world. that means rising sales, profits for these companies and demand for their stock that i believe will lead to much higher prices
#A2O #4IR stks are just getting going imo #BOP
Paul Mampilly (@MampillyGuru) March 8, 2021
Now for Strategy No. 2: Recognize an opportunity to buy. Paul says:
the best buying moments come when many are selling in a panic. unfortunately, thatś when itś emotionally hardest to commit to buy. thatś why we say you to at least stay the course. buy if you can summon the courage, conviction, belief. i am 100% still #BOP on #A2O #4IR
Paul Mampilly (@MampillyGuru) March 8, 2021
Paul’s always looking at the bigger picture in the stock market. One of the biggest mistakes he sees in this Super Bull Market is premature pessimism.
And that’s why he reminds you to stay bullish, optimistic and positive (#BOP) for the rebound in our America 2.0 stocks.
It’s coming in a big way. And the first sector you’ll see it is in small caps.
This market is setting up phenomenal opportunities to buy into the fastest-growing stocks at amazing low prices.
And Paul is issuing a new trade on Monday. Don’t miss another Super Bull trade like our best one yet — 1,142% gain after three and a half years.
Click this link now for all the details before Paul’s trade alert.
Bravo for Strong Hands — New Opportunities for You
Here are some of this week’s biggest revelations when it comes to looking toward the market ahead, instead of looking backward:
- 2 SPACs on Our Watchlist: Flying EVs. Soon you could be seeing the “Tesla” of the skies. That’s right, our electric vehicle (EV) mega trend is taking flight! This up-and-coming market is set to rocket up 250% this decade.
- 3 Disruptive Industries to Win Strong Hands Market. Your Strong Hands have been tested. But Paul’s got his eyes facing toward disruptification … and the three industries that stand to rocket higher.
- UBER-Approved! New Robotic Buy Before 2024. Introducing … contactless robotic food delivery to your doorstep. Robots are swiftly becoming a new standard in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. From businesses to homes, you do not want to miss out on investing in robotic tech.
- Avoid CVX & Dirty Dow Stocks. New energy is here! And it’s going to replace the “Dirty Dow” stocks from the old world. Here’s how you can trade out the old for the new.
- New DeFi Crypto Predictions for 2021. The demand for digital and decentralized technology is through the roof. The result: the rise of a DeFi revolution.
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